"smoking news"
Electronic cigarettes are allowed in medicine in the UK from 2016, under the new regulations.
The UK currently has some restrictions on the use of electronic cigarettes smoking news , despite the measures taken in some countries to ban news article about smoking .
smoking news Regulatory Agency for Drugs and Medical Devices said that regulate electronic cigarettes as drugs when the new European laws on the snuff which entered into force.
Cigarette sales are booming without snuff worldwide since the ban on smoking in public places have been introduced smoking news .
Activists say the growing popularity of e-cigarettes could undermine years of tobacco control smoking news , particularly on the progress of children and non-smoking concerns.
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Research suggests about 1.3 million current and former smokers in the UK to use the products, which are designed to reproduce the behavior of smoking without smoking smoking news .
They turn nicotine and other chemicals into a vapor that is inhaled smoking news .
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Average Jeremy Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MRSA), said the government had reached the conclusion that electronic cigarettes currently on the market do not meet appropriate standards of safety smoking news , quality and efficiency news about smoking.
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He said that "pollution levels" found in the products and some were poorly made.
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There will be no compulsory licensing of products until 2016, but meanwhile, are not recommended for use, he said smoking news .
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"We can not recommend these products because of its safety and quality is not guaranteed, so we recommend that people do not use" it said in a press conference smoking news .
smoking news The MRSA has decided not to ban but fully functional products to a position where it is allowed, he said.
"Smoking is the riskiest thing you can do - we want people to cut and get out - do not think the ban is proportionate. smoking news "
The body of the health campaign, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), said the move will promote children or non-smoking is prohibited smoking news .
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Deborah Arnett, CEO of ASH, said: "The MRSA regulations can ensure that adult smokers may still be able to buy electronic cigarettes with the same ease as the snuff, but the promotion of children or not smoking is prohibited. smoking news "
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Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies, said more people using electronic cigarettes news article about smoking, it was normal that the products have been adjusted properly to be safe and work effectively.
"Smokers are affected by tar and toxins in the smoke of snuff smoking news , and not death" nicotine he said.
"Although it is preferable to stop completely, I realize that all smokers can not and it's much better to get nicotine from reliable sources smoking news , such as nicotine replacement therapy news about smoking."
Electronic Cigarette makers say that the products have the potential to save lives and should not be restricted smoking news .
Once licensed, electronic cigarettes should remain for sale without a prescription in the UK.
In some countries, like New Zealand, electronic cigarettes are regulated as drugs and can be purchased at pharmacies smoking news .
In other countries, such as Denmark, Canada and Australia, are subject to restrictions on the sale, importation and marketing. Absolute prohibitions exist in Brazil smoking news , Norway and Singapore.
Dr Mike Nation, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said more research is needed on the possible effects of using nicotine health long term smoking news .
smoking news - "The MRSA has rightly raised the worrying lack of regulation around products containing nicotine electronic cigarettes - an important step to ensure their safety," he said.
"smoking news - The marketing of these products should now be closely monitored to ensure non-smokers and children are finished news article about smoking."
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that smoke evacuators should be restricted to specific types of cases such as breast surgery. They offered no evidence to support that recommendation. easy way to stop smoking