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cause smoking - Learn the reasons.

cause smoking
cause smoking

"cause smoking"

cause smoking  the best way
Smoking causes a variety of diseases. Diseases are caused by smoking, and snuff products contain carcinogenic ingredients housing and health cause smoking . The severity of disease is directly related to the duration of snuff products used for smoking.

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* smoking can cause

Cause smoking Two diseases caused by smoking are tar lungs and smoker's cough. When you smoke, tar builds up in the lungs. The lungs per minute hair-like filaments called cilia cause smoking , tar will be removed. But if too tar buildup, which can damage the lungs that leads to the lungs of tar. The body will now seek other ways to remove tar and is coughing. This is the start of smoking cause smoking .

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* smoking can cause

Carcinogens or carcinogens, are abundant in cigarettes and snuff products cause smoking . These cause smoke to produce many types of cancers. Lung cancer is one of them, 87% of the cases of lung cancer in the United States are caused by smoking cause smoking . A person who has smoked at some point in their lives 1 in 10 chance of developing lung cancer cause smoking.

* smoking can cause

cause smoking -  If you continue to smoke, the risk is 1-6. Passive smokers at risk of lung cancer by 20-30%.

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Other cancers caused by snuff are cancers of the oral cavity, esophageal cancer cause smoking , pancreatic cancer, laryngeal cancer, and more .

* smoking can cause

Nicotine causes constriction of blood vessels, which leads to blockage cause smoking . The effects of nicotine causes smoke to develop diseases such as myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, stroke and peripheral vascular disease cause smoking . Smokers under 40 are five times more likely to suffer a heart attack. Passive smokers are at risk of heart disease by 25-30%.

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*smoking can cause.

The ingredients in cigarettes and snuff products also cause smoke to affect the immune system. Smokers have a higher risk of infections such as colds cause smoking , chronic bronchitis, invasive pneumonic disease, tuberculosis and other risks. Smokers who consumed at least 20 cigarettes per day increases the risk of tuberculosis by 2-4 times cause smoking .

* smoking can cause.

Exposure to substances that are commonly found in smoke, such as cyanide and carbon monoxide because of snuff to produce emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cause smoking .

cause smoking  - Besides these diseases, the death is also caused by smoking. 2.5 to 10 years

Do not let the fear of smoking and disease take over your life cause smoking .

That's the best way to do does smoking cause cancer.

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