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animal smoking - Joe Camel Isn't the Only Animal Who Smokes - Animals in Laboratories are Dying for Cigarettes.

animal smoking

"animal smoking"

The Great American Smoke American annual of 31 is 15 November animal smoking. Unless you have been living under a rock, smokers know that smoking is bad for them and for the people and animals in their homes animal smoking.

But not everyone realizes that smoking harms animals in laboratories as well. Dogs, rats, primates and other animals are forced to breathe smoke and nicotine injection in cruel experiments funded by the tobacco industry animal smoking.

The snuff industry has funded experimenters who have cut holes in beagles throat and made breathing concentrated smoke snuff for a year animal smoking.

Electrodes are inserted penis in dogs to measure the effect of cigarette smoke on their sexual performance.

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Limit rhesus monkeys to chairs with head devices and exposed to nicotine and caffeine to determine how these substances affect breathing animal smoking. Cigarette smoke has been pumped directly into the noses of rats and mice animal smoking.

Why? Tobacco companies say they want to see how cigarettes are harmful to human health. But we have already determined that smoking can cause death animal smoking, and that everything we know about lung cancer and other diseases related to snuff came from epidemiological studies and human clinical trials and the animal smoking, there must be another reason to snuff industry to fund smoking experiments on animal smoking.

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The other reason animal smoking, I think, is that animal experiments are misleading. Decades of studies have shown that animals do not develop lung cancer than humans.

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A 2002 article in the journal Inhalation Toxicology blasted inhalation experiments in animals not showing that smoking increases the risk of cancer in humans animal smoking, and noted that "a significant increase in the number of malignant tumors of the respiratory tract n 'not observed in rats, mice, hamsters animal smoking, dogs and non-human primates exposed over long periods to high concentrations of cigarette smoke animal smoking. "

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However animal smoking, snuff industry is desperately grabbed anything that could convince the public that smoking is not dangerous. Cigarette manufacturers are well aware of the fact that there are large differences between species and data from one species can not always be applied to each input animal smoking.

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Different species of animals vary greatly in their reactions to toxins and disease and drug metabolism animal smoking. Yet millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost animals in experiments that are so inhumane and unnecessary they were illegal in Britain since 1997.

It's time to snuff industry to take the head of the cloud of smoke and be honest about the facts: Smoking causes cancer animal smoking.

It is a leading cause of lung disease and death in the United States, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, influenza and pneumonia animal smoking. Smoking contributes to cardiovascular disease, heart disease and birth defects.

Federal law does not require snuff products tested on animals (American Spirit cigarettes are not) animal smoking. The money spent on worthless animal experiments would be much better spent on health services, addiction treatment and education programs.

Heather Moore is a senior writer for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (ETA) in Norfolk, Virginia, where she lives with her rescued dog, Carly.

animal smoking

Heather frequently writes about health and vegetarianism as a freelance writer and for ETA. His work has appeared in IMPACT Press animal smoking, wise practice magazine, animal Agenda, i love cats, New Mobility, Santa, Wad, daily station Vivid, writer, and many other publications.

That's the best way to do animal smoking.

1 comment:

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